****TOURNAMENT has been CANCELLED ****
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AF's Fantasy Quarterback Challenge
Online DRAFT: Wed, Sep 2 @ 9:00pm EDT

CLICK HERE for Full Tournament Rules
Use the LeagueSafe Link to pay your $35 entry fee, and then fill out the form below to receive your invitation to join. Spots will fill up fast, so don't wait!
LeagueSafe Link: https://www.leaguesafe.com/join/3936149
"Ready? Set?
Omaha! Omaha! Hut!"

AF's QB Derby
Tournament Rules
I General
A. These will serve to be the official rules for Associated Fantasy's Quarterback Derby Tournament (QB Derby)
B. For anything not covered in these rules, please refer to the League Settings page at League website; League will be hosted on Fleaflicker.com
C. All arbitration of League Rules to be arbitrated solely by Tournament Coordinator (TC)
D. TC may maintain their own team in the tournament, OR may be listed as Commissioner without an attached team
E. Should any unforeseen event arise not covered explicitly in the rules, TC will exercise final judgment
1. Any TC judgment made outside of specified rules that involves TC’s team will cause TC’s team to be removed from Championship eligibility
F. Tournament rules are subject to adjustment before entry fees have been paid, and will be marked ‘LOCKED’ once any changes are final
G. If, for any reason, there is a discrepensy between rules listed in these rules and settings listed on the League Settings page of the host site, settings page on host site will supercede
II Format
A. 8 Teams; Total Scoring, 17 Week Points Contest
III Fees/Payout
A. Entry fee for the QB Derby will be $35.00 (US) per team
B. Payout will be as follows:
- $150.00 (US) for Tournament Champion (1st place)
- $100.00 (US) for Tournament Runner-Up (2nd place)
- $30.00 (US) for 3rd Place
C. Entries and payouts will be handled through LeagueSafe.com
D. Associated Fantasy will set deadline for payment of entry fee
E. Prize money will not be disbursed until the Friday following Week 17 of the NFL Regular Season
IV Scoring
A. The QB Derby Tournament will utilize the AF - Custom QB Offensive Scoring Package for all scoring
V Rosters
A. Teams will have 5 player rosters with the following Position Limits:
- Quarterback: Minimum 3; Maximum 3
- Kicker: Minimum 2; Maximum 2
B. Starting Line-Up will be as follows:
- QB: 2
- Bench: 3
C. The two kickers on the rosters are non-utilized positions, included only to meet the host site's requirements of a minimum roster of 5 players
VI Draft
A. Draft will be held live online, at a date and time TBD by Associated Fantasy
- 60 seconds are allotted for each pick
B. Draft order will be randomized by FFToolbox.com prior to draft, once tournament has filled
- In the draft randomization, each team will receive a Pick # from 1-8
- Those Pick #s will then be arranged in a modified serpentine pattern as follows:
- ROUND 1: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8
- ROUND 2: #8, #7, #6, #5, #4, #3, #2, #1
- ROUND 3: #5, #4, #6, #3, #7, #2, #8, #1
- ROUND 4: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8
- ROUND 4: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8
- (NOTE: Rounds 4 and 5 are irrelevant as teams will only be acquiring the non-utilized kickers to meet the host site's requirements for a minimum roster of 5 players)
C. In order to make it easier for all teams to follow the draft in progress, ALL TEAMS are required to post logos to their team prior to the draft
- Logos may be custom or NFL default
- Teams that do not post their own logos will have logos posted for them by AF
VII Free Agency/Trades/Cuts
A. Free Agency
1. Free Agency is open from the Tuesday following Week 1 through to the end of season with Waivers in effect
B. Waivers
1. Waiver order will reset weekly to inverse order of total points (last to first)
2. Waiver period is 2 days
C. Transaction Limits
1. There are no transaction limits
D. Trades
1. Trading is not allowed in the Tournament
VIII Schedule/Playoffs/Championship
A. QB Derby is a total points tournament and uses no head to head schedule
B. There are no Playoffs in the QB Derby Tournament. The #1 ranked team by total season points at the conclusion of Week 17 will be named Tournament Champion
IX Tiebreakers
A. Host Site will handle tiebreakers; setting is set to "Most Avereage Points/per Game"
X Special Rule
A. Participation in tournament is limited to one entry per household/IP address
B. After all tournament slots are filled but before draft order has been established, Fleaflicker.com will be contacted to verify that all participants registered with tournament are originating from different IP addresses to verify that no participant is registered with multiple teams
C. Multiple teams originating from the same IP address will result in immediate expulsion of all teams involved