Online DRAFT: Sat, Friday, September 4 @ 9:00pm EDT

CLICK HERE for Full Tournament RULES


Points Race - Open (PR-O)
Tournament Rules
I General
A. These will serve to be the official rules for AF's Points Race - Open (PR-O) Tournament
B. For anything not covered in these rules, please refer to the League Settings page at host site
- If, for any reason, there is any discrepansy between rules listed in these rules and settings listed on the League Settings page of the host site, settings page will supercede
C. All arbitration of Tournament Rules to be arbitrated solely by Tournament Coordinator (TC)
- TC may maintain their own team in the tournament, OR may be listed as a “Co-Owner” of a team, in the event TC is listed as a “Co-Owner” it will only be for the purposes of running the tournament and TC will have no actual control over the team they are Co-Owner of
- Should any unforeseen event arise not covered explicitly in the rules, TC will exercise final judgment
- Any TC decision that involves TC's team will cause TC's team to be removed from Championship eligibility
- This rule applies ONLY if TC is a team owner. If TC is a Co-Owner, that team will not be effected by this rule
II Format
A. 12 Teams; Total Points Race; Elimination
B. The PR-O is an "Open" Entry Tournament
C. All slots filled on a first apply - first entry basis
D. Teams may enter in back to back seasons, but must re-enter each year
III Entry Fees/Payouts
A. The PR-O is a free entry tournament with no entry fees or payouts
IV Scoring
A. PR-O will utilize the AF-Standard Offensive Scoring Package
B. PR-O will utilize the AF-Standard Team Defense Scoring Package
V Rosters
A. PR-O will start season (at draft) with AF Standard roster settings
- 1 QB
- 2 RB
- 3 WR
- 1 TE
- 1 K
B. No bench slots will be drafted
C. 1 bench slot per week will be added in Weeks 2-6
D. 1 Starting position will be added to rosters each week in Weeks 7-17 by the following schedule:
- Week 7 - RB/WR/TE FLEX #2
- Week 8 - TE #2
- Week 9 - WR #4
- Week 10 - RB #3
- Week 11 - QB #2
- Week 12 - K #2
- Week 13 - TEAM DEF #2
- Week 14 - QB #3
- Week 15 - RB/WR/TE FLEX #3
- Week 16 - RB/WR/TE FLEX #4
- Week 17 - RB/WR/TE FLEX #5
VI Free Agency/Trades
A. Weeks 1-3 there will be Open Free Agency - players lock at game time
B. Weeks 4-17 Waivers will reset to inverse order of total points every Monday night/Tuesday morning
- Week 4-17 Waivers will be set to 2 days
C. There are no trades allowed in the PR-O
VII Draft
A. The Tournament draft is conducted annually on the final Saturday of preseason at 1:00pm EDT
B. The 2019 Draft will be live online on Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 1:00 pm EDT
C. Draft will be serpentine style, 10 rounds in length
D. 120 seconds are allotted for each pick
E. Draft order is determined at random by draft client 30 minutes prior to start of draft
VIII Schedule
A. PR-O is a total points tournament only and uses no schedule or W-L standings
B. Standings are determined by total points scored through the season (Weeks 1-17)
IX Eliminations and Championship
A. Beginning on the Wednesday morning (overnight Tuesday to Wednesday) of Week 7, and continuing weekly through to the Wednesday morning of Week 16, the last place team (by total points) will be eliminated
B. The players rostered on the teams that are eliminated each week will be placed onto Waivers for all other teams to claim through the waiver proccess- these players will clear waivers on Friday mornings (overnight Thursday to Friday)
C. When the last place team is eliminated on the Wednesday morning that begins Week 16, there will be two teams remaining in the tournament. These two teams will play through weeks 16 and 17
D. At the conclusion of Week 17, the team with the highest total season points will be named Tournament Champion
E. PR-O Champion will receive automatic entry to the following season's Points Race - Invitational
X Statutory Points Ties and Tiebreakers
A. There are no head-to-head matches in the PR-O so there are no head-to-head match-up or standings ties or tiebreakers
B. Should two or more teams have an exact (to the decimal) tie of their total points in any given week, the tiebreaker for the purposes of determining the teams' waiver priority (inverse order of total points) will be the previous weeks total points
- If previous weeks' total points between the teams is tied, tiebreaker will continue backwards until a higher waiver priority is produced
C. For the purposes of the last place teams and eliminations, to contend with the possibility of score corrections (via stat corrections), any time the season points total of the last and second to last place teams are within 10 points of each other, it will be considered to be a statutory tie
D. In the event of a statutory tie, no team will be eliminated that week, however the TWO last place teams will be eliminated on the following week
- Statutory ties may extend to multiple weeks if the teams elligible to be eliminated are within 10 points of each other, in which case the number teams being eventually eliminated will always equal the number of weeks the stautory ties have occurred
E. In the event that the last surviving two teams, end week 17 with identical (to the decimal point) season score totals (after stat corrections), The two teams Week 17 total points will be used as the tiebreaker, and if their week 17 total points are also tied, the tiebreaker will continue backwards through the weeks until a Champion is produced.