Roster Barons Tournament Makes League Conversion

UPDATED:  The Association has announced this week that due to a lack of demand the league conversion for the Roster Barons Tournament/League has been placed on hold and will not go forward for the 2017 season.  No statement was issued on whether or not the Tournament would return to the AF Tournament Division‘s line-up when tournament play resumes in 2018.

BARONS– New for the 2017 season Associated Fantasy has announced its first new league in 2 years as the 2016 Roster Barons Tournament has made the conversion to full League Status.  The format of the tournament was set up to test fantasy coaches’ GM skills, and ability to make the right personnel decisions from a partial draft to building their roster piecemeal while the season is underway.  Teams must not only win on the field, but also manage a Waiver Auction Budget, a Franchise Tag, and out-trade the next guy, betting on the right players to come out on top of those trades.  The two teams that are able to avoid BYE Week troubles without a bench and be lucky enough to dodge the injury monster with the roster they build through the season will put themselves into a 3-week Championship game where they get to eliminate their opponent’s heaviest hitters to become the Roster Baron Champion.

The Roster Barons league, remains a $25 entry/$200 winner-take-all payout, with 8 teams, and the 2016 Champion, AF Registered Coach Ramona of the High Flyers has volunteered to come on board as Asst LM to help with scoring in the league.  The rules and format have been completely overhauled in a way that retains the spirit of the the 2016 Tournament, while correcting some format problems and making it overall much more competitive.   The changes are explained on the new Roster Barons League Page and detailed further on the Roster Barons League Rules Page (changes to the Rules appearing in RED print).  Some of the highlights include:

  • The 2 round email draft to start the season has been replaced by a 3 player auction
  • The line-up Roster Settings have been changed to AF Standard – 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 RB/WR/TE FLEX, 1K
  • The old scoring system of adding Roster Points to Fantasy Points has been eliminated to a new system of Standings Points that will take the place of traditional W-L standings
  • Round 3 has been eliminated and replaced by a 3 week, cumulative points Championship Game (Weeks 15, 16, and 17) between the top two teams
  • The trading rules have been tweaked to eliminate the ability of teams to run up their bonus points by making endless trades, while retaining and improving the ability of teams to better their standing through trades they come out on top of; WAB dollars can now also be traded

As of this posting, there are 2 open spots for new teams to sign up for the inaugural season of the Roster Barons League, but those open spots will go fast, so don’t hesitate.  Use the form below and sign up today.

Sign Up For Roster Barons

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name or AF Username’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Sign me up for the Roster Barons League’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’Message’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]


