Associated Fantasy’s 2016 Pick-’em Rodeo

AF LogoAF New for 2016, Associated Fantasy has launched the Pick-’em Rodeo.  This is a weekly Pick-’em Group on open to all teams playing in any Associated Fantasy League or Tournament (148 eligible teams).  Join the group for free (all Association and Tournament teams should have received an invitation email, if you have not received yours and would like to participate, please email Associated Fantasy) and compete against the entire Association picking winners and losers every week in the NFL.  How will you stack up?  Just follow the link in the invite and name your entry after your Associated Fantasy team, then set your selections week-to-week to see if you can climb to the top of the field.  Is the pride of beating out the other teams in the Association not enough for you?  How’s this for motivation:  The 2016 winner of Associated Fantasy’s Pick-’em rodeo will receive an all-expense paid entry into the Associated Fantasy Tournament of their choice in 2017 (some restrictions apply).  That’s right, out score your competition and Associated Fantasy will pay your entry fees into one of their tournaments next season, so what are you waiting for?  The NFL season starts next week, don’t miss out on the Week 1 action, get your entry set up today!

Pick Em Rodeo