The following is the OFFICIAL 2023 Auction Guide. per League rules the information contained in this guide is considered to be a Rules Supplement and all information/guidelines contained in the guide will SUPERCEDE League Rules where there is any contradiction.
- All teams now have an updated FA Auction Player tab in their databooks…….well, not everyone’s databook has it yet, but you will before the auction starts….if your FA Auction Players tab has a table of everyone’s cap space to the top right you have the updated version
- Auction will begin at…NOON (EDT) on Thursday July, 20
- Auction will END at midnight (EDT) on Sunday Aug 13
- This means NO NEW NOMINATIONS will be allowed after midnight on Aug 13
- Existing/Ongoing individual player auctions will continue, BUT
- The timers will be shortened to 24 hours
- If necessary due to time/slow bidding, Commissioner will take the bidding out of the auction and handle it by direct back and forth email with a ‘timer’ shortened at his discretion until all individual auctions are finished
- The Auction can be accessed at our league home on MyFantasyLeague
- Go To the top menu on MFL, the “Draft/Auction ” tab, select “Make Auction Bid”….even if you’re not making a bid, this will take you to the live Auction page to see active bidding
- I’m 90+% sure this is accurate info, once auction starts, I’ll double check and if necessary will send an update email out with better instructions
- The Player Pool for the auction consists of all UFA players from team rosters and all UNSHIELDED RFA players from team rosters
- The Updated Player Pool appears on the updated FA Auction Player tab in your databook
- NOTE: the system will allow you to nominate/bid on players that are not in the player pool. If you do so, the ineligible player will remain in auction, tying up your bidding funds until the auction completes and then will be put back into the regular free agent pool
- I have figured out how to transfer the list directly from MFL instead of transcribing all 200+ players one by one onto the list, BUT the downside of this is that I’m UNABLE TO SORT them by POSITION……..I know having them sorted by position makes things easier, but I’ve opted to make it easier on me by not having to transcribe
- The process for creating the player pool involves screenshotting all team rosters once they’re finalized, THEN REMOVING all Auction Players form everyone’s roster and putting them into the ‘general population’ of free agent players……..there is a VERY SMALL possibility that I’ve missed a player or two, or that a player is available but has not been listed…….by request, I can email you a pre-auction screenshot of any team, and you can also (through MFL) access last year’s season and team rosters if you question a missing player
- There is a slightly larger, but still small possibility that a player is included in the auction where they should not be (like a rookie RFA a may have missed or a player that should be shielded for some reason……If you see one of your players on the list (or being bid on) that you think shouldn’t be there, email me and we’ll get it figured out/fixed
- After the auction, all players that did not get signed by a new team will be returned to their original team roster
- Each team’s budget is their Salary Cap Space
- Keep in mind, that’s to make bidding close to the cap possible, and while teams are allowed to spend themselves into negative CUT CAP Space, they will eventually have to get below the Cut Cap by the end of Cut Day at the end of the offseason
- All Team Budgets (Salary Cap Space) and their Cut Cap Space and Contract Year Counts are listed on the FA Auction Player tab in your databook…….THESE NUMBERS WILL ONLY UPDATE after teams win a player at auction and then sign them to contract
- Team budgets in the actual auction on MyFantasyLeague WILL adjust WITH all active bidding AND/OR winning of players
- A nomination of any player is considered an opening bid for that player and is binding if no other teams bid
- Teams that nominate an eligible player and win them at auction but are unable or unwilling to sign said player will be penalized by the removal of a contract year for 1 calendar year; if no contract years are available for penalty, one will be removed at the first possible occasion
- Opening bids must be in the amount of the player’s Minimum Opening Bid or higher
- Minimum Opening Bids for players are $500k above player’s scheduled 2023 salary and these are listed on the FA Auction Player tab in your databook
- Bids may be increased in increments of $100,000 or multiple $100,000’s
- EACH NEW HIGH BID starts/restarts a 72 hour timer
- Please Familiarize yourself with the bidding/winning process in the League Rules…..PARTICULARLY the RFA bidding/counterbidding/winning process
RFA Tiers/Compensation
- This section has been UPDATED 7/25
- The RFA tiers for draft pick compensation are delineated on the RFA list on the FA Auction Players tab in your databooks
- Tier Compensation chart is below
- When an RFA is won at auction and signed to a new team, their TIER will determine the draft compensation
- The following EXPLICITLY superceeds any/all compensation rules in the League Rules; RFA Draft Pick Compensation will follow the following guidelines:
- Using the NEW COMPENSATION CHART (below)
- “Available” defined as compensating team having the necessary pick to compensate with
- If teams have multiple picks in round, highest pick will be the first compensatory pick from that round
- If more than one Team is being Compensated by SAME Acquiring Team for different RFA’s within the same time period, the Team with the higher final bid will choose their Compensatory Option first
- Teams being compensated may pick from Option 1 OR Option 2 in Tier of player being given up
- Teams may alternately choose to a “Proxy-Pick” for either Option 1 or option 2 whether that option is available or unavailable; a Proxy Selection compensates team with the listed compensation, one year beyond the year(s) listed in chart
- A “Substitution Pick” may be made for Option 1 in any tier ONLY IF Compensating team does not have available pick for Option 1 for that Tier
- Kickers and Punters, regardless of RFA designated Tier, must pick from Options outlined separately for Kickers and Punters

- All players won at auction (including RFA’s either transferred or retained) must be signed to a new 1 year Free Agent Type Contract
- This will be done right after winning the player while auction is still in progress
- Nominating/Bidding privileges for individual teams WILL BE SUSPENDED after winning any player until that contract is finalized
- RFA players are not considered ‘won’ until RFA counter offers have been finalized, so this rule will not kick in for those
- Please Familiarize yourself with FA Contract rules
- Once High Bid has been ‘won’ on RFA’s, commissioner will conduct the back and forth counter bidding via email and/or slack
- This was not a problem last year, BUT, I’m going to use a loosely enforced 24 hour deadline for each counter offer back and forth…….by loosely enforced, I mean I’m not going to put an actual timer on it, but when a counter is submitted, either accept, deny, or counter back within about a day
- I will more strictly enforce the 24 hours if the team is engaged in another player auction…..I don’t mind if you take the full day if it helps you strategically in another auction, but don’t abuse it