Contract Rules now LOCKED for 2023
Contract Rules have been REVISED for the 2023 season. Contract Rules are currently NOT YET LOCKED so everything on this page is subject to change. Anything in LIME GREEN TEXT indicates a new rule for 2023. (note, some sections appear with a green border, this indicates that much of the section has been extensively reworked and reworded from previous versions)
NOTE: Commissioner reserves the right to make necessary, well announced edits for clarity purposes or for the arise of unforeseen circumstances not covered by the rules throughout the 2023 off season
NOTE: 2023 NFL Rookies (Spring Rookies) CAN be signed to a Rookie Contract in the 2023 Spring Signing Period, HOWEVER, they will be the last class to do so. Beginning with the 2023 AFFL Draft, Rookies can only be signed to a Rookie-Type Contract before the regular season starts. Those players will remain eligible to be signed to a Standard Type Contract the following Spring.
NOTE: All EXISTING Free Agent Contracts has been converted to a Standard Type Contract and will follow all corresponding rules; All existing Free Agent Extensions, remain as such and must follow all new Free Agent Extension guidelines.
NOTE: Contracts, et al, signed PRIOR to 2023 will regain restructure eligibility if traded, HOWEVER, this rule has been changed and contracts, extensions, or options signed from 2023 on will not regain restructure eligibility when traded unless otherwise specified by another rule related to the individual contract or trade
NOTE: Any structure or salary settings for ANY EXISTING contract remain AS IS even if they violate any new terms of contract set-up, WITH THE EXCEPTION of minimum payment amounts which must always be followed or balanced with a dead money payment. No new Bonus rules (other than minimum payments) will result in any mandatory bonuses for any actions already performed on contract (prior to 2023)
I General
- Franchises can place any player on their roster under contract to lock their year to year salary and shield them from offseason Free Agency
- Players DO NOT have to be placed under contract to remain on team's roster
- Contract Cap = 30 Years
- Defined as: All current years under contract plus all future year commitments (completed years are not counted)
- Contract length can be of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years DEPENDING ON THE CONTRACT
- MAX 2 active contracts with original term of 5 years, unless combined remaining years under contract for both the team's 5 year contracts total 5 years or less, in which case team may sign 1 additional 5 year contract
- Can be signed:
- Sping Signing Period
- Rookie Signing Period (Rookies)
- Free Agency Auction (on players acquired through free agency)
- All contracts are effective retroactively to the first day of the AFFL fiscal year (April 1) of the season in which they are signed, regardless of when signed
- Contracts will cycle on the first day of the AFFL fiscal year (April 1)
- Contracts DO NOT EXPIRE unitl the last day of the Spring Signing Period following the April 1 on which the contract SHOULD expire
- The AFFL Contract Info Page will maintain a Contract Data Sheet with constantly updated info on all current Active Contracts and their terms, info on each franchise's contracts, dead money, and Contract Cap space, etc
- Definitions
- Base Salary • The salary amount that a contract is built around; derived by League Formula Salary or c Corrected League Formula Salary for current or prior season
- Contract Cap • Total number of Contract Years - current and future - teams have available to commit with 'cap space' being defined as the number of available years not committed to active contracts (Current Season counts toward Cap)
- Corrected Formula Salary • Used as the Formula Salary for players with fewer than 12 NFL starts in a given season
- Draft Salary • The salary a rookie is assigned based on draft position; see League Rules, Rookie Salaries
- Guaranteed Money • The portion of Total Contract Value that must be accounted for by Total Amount Paid at time of separation; supplememnted with a dead money Separation Bonus where neccessary
- League Formula Salary (or Formula Salary) • Total Points x 100,000
- Start(s) • In reference to a player's NFL game starts, found anywhere in the rules (unless otherwise noted) will equal number of games player has played at least one down of football and registered a score of zero (0) or above on the myfantasyleague stats (players have no number noted for games in which they played zero snaps)
- Total Amount Owed • The total amount still owed on the contract; this amount may be in excess of Total Contract Value; this amount DOES NOT include any triggered dead money payments
- Total Amount Paid • The total amount that has been paid to the player while under contract to include all salary, all signing bonuses, and all other bonuses for the life of the contract and extension (if applicable) combined
- Total Contract Value (Total Value or Contract Value) (TCV) • Base Salary times number of Years - NOTE: In the context of Contract Extensions, TCV includes Base times Years of Extension only
Commissioner's Note: I've hilighted the section on Free Agent Contracts because I've updated the entire auction bid/contract process. See Section VIII)
II Types of Contracts
There are a variety of contracts available to franchises based on salary formula and/or types of signings
- Standard Contract
- Can be 2, 3, 4, or 5 years in length
- Base Salary under a Standard Contract is determined by League Formula (prior season total points times 100k)
- Can be signed to a Base Salary equal to EITHER Current Season Salary OR Prior Season Salary Section III Calculating Salary for detailed info)
- Can attach a Bonus
- Total Contract Value can be "Structured" to be paid unevenly across length/term of contract (see Section IV Structuring Contract Salaries)
- Can be Restructured (see Section IX Re-Structuring Contract Salaries)
- Can be signed to a Contract Extension (see Section V Contract Extensions)
- Can be placed under the Franchise Tag in the final season of the contract (see Franchise Tag rule - moved to League Rules Page)
- Adjustable Rate Contracts
- Can be 2, 3, 4, or 5 years in length
- Uses a Base Salary that recalculates each season based on a 3 Year Rolling Average of the player's scoring
- Player's Base Salary in any given year of contract is determined by taking an average of the player's salary (by League Formula - total points * 100k) for each of their prior 3 seasons combined
- see Section III Calculating Salary for detailed info)
- Total Contract Value is recalculated each season with the player's Base Salary
- Can be attached with a FIRST YEAR ONLY Bonus
- CANNOT be structured to be paid unevenly over the life of the contract; the player's Base Salary - as recalculared each year - must be paid in full for each year as calculated see Section III Calculating Salary
- Can be Restructured by converting it to a Standard Contract (see Section IX Contract Re-Structuring)
- Can be signed to a Contract Extension (see Section V Contract Extensions)
- Can be placed under the Franchise Tag in the final season of the contract (see Franchise Tag rules (moved to Rules Page)
- Free Agent Contracts
- Players acquired in Spring Free Agency MUST be signed to a Free Agent Contract
- Only those players acquired through Spring Free Agency are elligible to be placed under a Free Agent Contract
- 1 Year in Length only
- Base Salary is determined by final acquisition bid
- Can attach a Bonus
- 100% Guaranteed
- Player CANNOT be cut or restructured in season acquired
- Can be signed to a Free Agent Extension OR a Free Agent Option (see Section V Contract Extensions)
- CANNOT be placed under the Franchise Tag in the season contract expires
- see Section VIII Contract Free Agency for more info
- NOTE: Free Agent Contracts signed prior to 2023 have been converted to Standard Type and now follow those guidelines
- Rookie Contracts
- NFL Rookie Players acquired in the AFFL draft or as UDFA's before the opening kickoff of the first game of the NFL season are eligible for a Rookie Contract
- NFL rookies DO NOT have to be placed under contract, but if placed under contract must be placed under this contract type
- Base Salary is determined by League Rules concerning rookie salary
- Rookie Contracts are for exactly 2 years in length
- Can attach a Bonus
- Can be "Structured" to be paid unevenly across length/term of contract (2 years)
- Rookie Contracts cannot be Restructured
- Rookie RFA Contracts (final year of contract) are EXEMPT from inclusion in the Free Agent Auction
- Can be signed to either a Rookie Contract Extension or excercise a Rookie Option
- CANNOT be placed under the Franchise Tag while under contract OR in the season immediately following contract's expiration
- For Contract Extensions, Rookie Extensions, and Franchise Tags see respective Sections
- NOTE: Rookie Contract signed prior to 2023 will be converted to updated contract rules or dissolved at the discretion of the franchise
III Calculating Salary
- Base Salary
- Base Salary is the base salary amount that a contract is is signed for - Base Salary amount is the foundation of the entire contract
- Base Salary times Number of Years in contract equals Total Contract Value (TCV) or Contract Value or Total Value
- The League Formula for determining player salary (Total Season Points times 100,000) is used to help determine Base Salary
- Corrected Formula Salary = used as the Formula Salary for players with fewer than 12 NFL starts in a given season
- If a player played in less than 12 games, but at least 6, Corrected Salary Formula for that season = (Total Points) divided by (Number of Starts) times (16) + (10%) times (100k)
- If a player played in less than 6 games, season is ineligible to be used for base salary calculation
- NOTE:Total Amount Owed to a player over the lifetime of a contract may exceed Total Contract Value after factoring bonuses and/or taxi fees and/or any penalties or other assesments
- Calculating Base Salary for Standard Contracts
- Teams may use EITHER the player's Formula Salary amount from the CURRENT/upcoming season OR their Formula Salary amount from the PRIOR/just ended season as the contract's Base Salary
- Player must have a minimum of 12 NFL starts in the season being used to determine Formula Salary for Base or else a "Corrected" value must be used
- If Prior Season salary is used as the contract's Base Salary, player is owed a Signing Bonus equal to 10% of Total Contract Value due at time of signing
- Calculating Base Salary for Adjustable Rate Contracts
- Base Salary for Adjustable Rate Contracts is determined by adding the most recent 3 seasons' Formula Salaries and then dividing by 3
- If player made less than 12 NFL starts in any 1 of those seasons, Corrected Formula Value must be used for that season
- Base Salary is then multiplied by Contract Length to determine Contract Value
- Base Salary and Contract Value are recalculated each year based on the 3 most recent seasons (rolling average)
- This is performed by the league office when the contracts cycle
- Calculating Base Salary for Free Agent Contracts
- Base Salary for Free Agent Contracts is equal to the acquiring bid for that player
- Calculating Base Salaries for Rookie Contracts
- Base Salary for Rookie Contracts is equal to the rookie's Assigned Rookie Salary at the time of signing (Draft Salary or Rookie Minimum))
- Rookies signed to Rookie Contract are due a signing bonus at the following rate:
- UDFA's signed to Rookie Contract owed a Signing Bonus of $2.0m due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Drafted in 6th or 7th round, signing bonus equals $4.0m
- Drafted in 4th or 5th round, signing bonus equals $6.0m
- Drafted in 3rd round, signing bonus equals $8.0m
- Drafted in 2nd round, signing bonus equals $10.0m
- Drafted in 1st round, signing bonus equals $15.0m
- Drafted in Top #5 overall, signing bonus equals $20.0m
- Drafted #1 overall, signing bonus equals $25.0m
- Minimum Contract Base Salary
- Contract's Base Salary must be equal to or greater than the League Minimum Salary for the year in which it is signed
- In situations where an eligible Calculated Base Salary is less than the League Minimum Salary for that year, Base Salary must be raised to the current season League Minimum
- Salary Calculation Rules supercede all Salary Structuring Rules (see Section V Structuring Contract Salaries)
- Salaries for Contract Extensions, Restructurings, and Franchise Tags determined by those respective rules
IV Structuring Contract Salaries
NOTE: the following section applies to structuring payments on contracts, extensions, and options even in places where only "contracts" are referred to.
- Standard Contracts
- The total amount owed to a player - Total Contract Value - can be STRUCTURED across the total number of years of a Standard contract
- Total Contract Value owed can be divided to be paid in seasonal installments across the years of the contract under these GUIDELINES:
- Total Scheduled Payments paid per season must add up to Total Amount Owed at term of contract, and
- A minimum of 10% of Total Contract Value is paid in any given year of the contract, and
- Each yearly installment of salary payment must be equal to or greater than the League Minimum Salary the season in which the contract is signed
- Each yearly installment of salary payment must be equal to or greater than the League Minimum Salary in any season in which contract is active (subject to dead money payment for correction)
- In contracts of 4 or 5 years in length, no single season scheduled salary payment may be more than 250% of the lowest scheduled salary payment in the structure of the contract
- In contracts of 3 years in length, no single season scheduled salary payment may be more than 200% of the lowest scheduled salary payment in the structure of the contract
- Rookie Contracts
- The total amount owed to a player - Total Contract Value - can be STRUCTURED across the 2 years of a Rookie Contract or Extension in the following ratios(except where specified):
- 50%/50%
- 75%/25%
- 25%/75%
- League Minimum Payments
- In any instance where a player's contract salary for any given year is less than that season's Minimum Player Salary, then a Roster Bonus equal to the the difference between that player's salary by contract and the league minimum for that season must be paid to the player
- Difference will be by dead money payment and will be charged even if charge causes total salary to exceed Total Contract Value
- Contracts signed in 2021 are exempt from this rule unless restructured in 2022 or beyond, at which point they become subject to the rule
Commissioner's Note: I've hilighted this section in green but most of it IS NOT new. I've done a better job of separating the different types and their individual specs and requirements; however, many of the calculations for Base Salary for extensions HAS been updated, and the new ones are for the most part a 'better deal' for franchises than the old calculations were (I had them, I think, a little steep.)
V Contract Extensions
- Guidelines
- Contract Extensions can be signed only during the Spring Signing Period (April 1-May 15)
- Any contracts that were previously Re-Structured, become eligible again to be Re-Structured once signed to an Extension unless otherwise specified
- Once a player has been given a Contract Extension, they cannot be re-signed to contract by that team until extension has expired and player has undergone 1 season as an Unrestricted Free Agent, OR until player has been cut or traded by team, and then later reacquired (Rookie Contracts exempted, see below)
- NOTE: Total Amount Owed to a player after an Extension is signed and /or over its lifetime may exceed Total Contract Value of the Extension after factoring in prior amount due, bonuses and/or taxi fees and/or any penalties or other assesments
- NOTER: In any Base calculation formula, If player made less than 12 NFL starts in any 1 of those seasons, Corrected Formula Value must be used for that season
- Early Extensions
- Contracts entering their final year on April 1 (First Day Of Season) become Restricted Free Agents, but can be shielded from the upcoming Free Agency Auction by being re-signed with a Contract Extension
- These Early Extensions were formerly called "Year 1" Extensions
- The Extension is tacked on to the end of the existing contract and does not affect the terms of the existing contract's final season
- Types of Early Extensions
- Standard Early Extension
- Eligible Contract Types: Standard Contracts entering their RFA season and Adjustable Rate Contracts entering their RFA season
- Length: 2, 3, 0r 4 years
- Base Salary Calculation: Formula Salary of the highest performing season under contract • OR • Current Base Salary + 10%
- Signing Bonus: None
- Additional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus equal to 10% of Total Contract Value due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Optional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus and/or a Roster Bonus may be attached under relevant bonus guidelines at time of signing
- Structure: Follows Standard Contract Structuring Rules
- Guaranteed Money: An amount equal to Base Salary x 2
- Franchise Tag: Can be tagged in final season and/or in season after extension expires
- Other Guidelines: Follows all other relevant Standard Contract guidelines
- When Extension Expires: Player becomes a UFA and is subject to the Free Agent Auction unless tagged
- Adjustable Rate Early Extension
- Eligible Contract Types: Standard Contracts in their RFA Season and Adjustable Rate Contracts in their RFA Season
- Length: 2, 3, 0r 4 years
- Base Salary Calculation:(Current Season Formula Salary + Prior Season Formula Salary + Highest Season Under Contract Formula Salary) DIVIDED by 3 (Duplicate seasons inclusive)
- Signing Bonus: None
- Additional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus equal to 10% of Total Contract Value due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Optional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus and/or a Roster Bonus may be attached under relevant bonus guidelines at time of signing
- Structure: Base Salary and Contract Value are recalculated each year using the same formula (rolling average)
- Guaranteed Money: An amount equal to Base Salary x 2
- Franchise Tag: Can be tagged in final season and/or in season after extension expires
- Other Guidelines: Follows all other relevant Adjustable Rate Contract guidelines
- When Extension Expires: Player becomes a UFA and is subject to the Free Agent Auction unless tagged
- Rookie Early Extension
- Eligible Contract Types: Rookie Contracts in their R-RFA Season
- Length: 2 Years
- Base Salary Calculation:Current Base Salary +10%
- Signing Bonus: None
- Additional Bonus: A Roster bonus equal to $500,000 per AFFL game started in prior season is due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Optional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus may be attached under relevant bonus guidelines at time of signing
- Structure: Total Contract Value of Extension may be combined with Total Amount remaining Due on R-RFA contract, and structure payments across all 3 seasons according to Standard Contract Structuring Rules
- Guaranteed Money:100% Guaranteed
- Franchise Tag: Cannot be tagged in final season and cannot be tagged in season after extension expires
- Other Guidelines: Follows all other relevant Rookie guidelines
- When Extension Expires: Player can be OPTIONED or player becomes a UFA and is subject to the Free Agent Auction unless tagged
- Regular Extensions
- Contracts expiring on April 1 (Technically do not expire until the last day of the Spring Signing Period) become Unrestricted Free Agents (UFA's)(non-contract players), but can be shielded from the upcoming Free Agency Auction by being re-signed with a Contract Extension
- These Regular Extensions were formerly called "Year 0" Extensions
- Once signed, Extension is continuos to the original contract
- Types of Regular Extensions
- Standard Extension
- Eligible Contract Types: Expiring Standard Contracts and Expiring Adjustable Rate Contracts
- Length: 2, 3, 0r 4 years
- Base Salary Calculation (HIGHEST OF): Formula Salary of the highest performing season under contract • OR • Current Formula Salary + 10%
- Signing Bonus: 10% of Total Contract Value of Extension due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Additional Bonus: None
- Optional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus and/or a Roster Bonus may be attached under relevant bonus guidelines at time of signing
- Structure: Follows Standard Contract Structuring Rules
- Guaranteed Money: None
- Franchise Tag: Can be tagged in final season and/or in season after extension expires
- Other Guidelines: Follows all other relevant Standard Contract guidelines
- When Extension Expires: Player becomes a UFA and is subject to the Free Agent Auction unless tagged
- Adjustable Rate Extension
- Eligible Contract Types: Expiring Standard Contracts and Expiring Adjustable Rate Contracts
- Length: 2, 3, 0r 4 years
- Base Salary Calculation:(Formula Salary of 3 Highest Seasons Under Contract) DIVIDED by 3 (Duplicate seasons inclusive)
- Signing Bonus: 10% of Total Contract Value of Extension due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Additional Bonus: None
- Optional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus and/or a Roster Bonus may be attached under relevant bonus guidelines at time of signing
- Structure: (Formula Salary of 3 Highest Seasons Under Contract) DIVIDED by 3 (Duplicate seasons inclusive)
- Guaranteed Money: None
- Franchise Tag: Can be tagged in final season and/or in season after extension expires
- Other Guidelines: Follows all other relevant Adjustable Rate Contract guidelines
- When Extension Expires: Player becomes a UFA and is subject to the Free Agent Auction unless tagged
- Free Agent Extension
- Eligible Contract Types: Expiring Free Agent Contracts
- Length: 2, 3, or 4 Years
- Base Salary Calculation:Equal to Current Base Salary UNLESS Current League Formula Salary is higher, in which case base will equal Current Base Salary + 10%
- Signing Bonus: 10% of Total Contract Value of Extension due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Additional Bonus: NONE
- Optional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus may be attached under relevant bonus guidelines at time of signing
- Structure: Follows Standard Contract Structuring Rules
- Guaranteed Money: 0% Guaranteed
- Franchise Tag: Cannot be tagged in final season and cannot be tagged in season after extension expires
- Other Guidelines: Follows all other relevant Free Agent guidelines
- When Extension Expires:player becomes a UFA
- Rookie 2 Year Extension (No Option)
- Eligible Contract Types: Expiring Rookie Contracts
- Length: 2 Years
- Base Salary Calculation: Current Base Salary + 25%
- Signing Bonus: 15% of Total Contract Value of Extension due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Additional Bonus: A Roster bonus equal to $500,000 per AFFL game started under expiring contract due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Optional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus and/or a Roster Bonus may be attached under relevant bonus guidelines at time of signing
- Structure: Follows Rookie Contract Structuring Rules
- Guaranteed Money: None
- Franchise Tag: Can be tagged in final season and/or in season after extension expires (Exempt from Rookie Contract Tag Rules)
- Other Guidelines: Follows all other relevant Rookie Contract guidelines
- When Extension Expires: Player becomes a UFA and is subject to the Free Agent Auction; CANNOT BE OPTIONED;
- Rookie 1 Year Extension (Bridge Extension)
- Eligible Contract Types: Expiring Rookie Contracts
- Length: 1 Year
- Base Salary Calculation:Current Base Salary
- Signing Bonus: None
- Additional Bonus:
- A Roster bonus equal to $500,000 per AFFL game started under expiring contract due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Optional Bonus: An Up-Front Bonus and/or a Roster Bonus may be attached under relevant bonus guidelines at time of signing
- Structure: 1 Year
- Guaranteed Money: 100%
- Franchise Tag: CANNOT be tagged in final season and CANNOT be tagged in season after extension expires
- Other Guidelines: Extension becomes an immediate RFA when signed, but player is shielded from exposure to the Free Agent Auction; Follows all other relevant Adjustable Rate Contract guidelines
- When Extension Expires: Player can be OPTIONED or Extended with a 2 Year Rookie (No Option) Extension, otherwise player becomes a UFA and is subject to the Free Agent Auction unless tagged
- Optioned Contracts (Options)
- Optioned contracts are contracts with Renew/Waive years built in
- The First 2 years of an Option are for 2 years and run normally
- The 3rd, 4th, and 5th years (depending on length signed) teams have the option to renew for the following season or to waive the remainder of the contract at no further cost in each proceeding season
- Depending on length, Options work as follows:
- Before the Trade Deadline of 2nd year, team must choose to waive or renew option for 3rd year (3, 4, and 5 year options)
- If Option is renewed, Option Base/Season Salary for 3rd season is Base+10%, is 100% guaranteed, and player continues under contract with auction shielding in the following season
- Before the Trade Deadline of 3rd year, team must choose to waive or renew option for 4th year (4 and 5 year options)
- If Option is renewed, Option Base/Season Salary for 4th season is 3rd Yr Sal + 10%, is 100% guaranteed, and player continues under contract with auction shieldingin the following season
- Before the Trade Deadline of 4th year, team must choose to waive or renew option for 3rd year (5 year options)
- If Option is renewed, Option Base/Season Salary for 5th season is Original Option Base, is 100% guaranteed, and player continues under contract as an RFA WITHOUT auction shielding in the following season
- In any year, if team Waives player's future options, contract ends at season end, player becomes UFA on team roster and cannot be Contracted, Taxied, or Franchise Tagged in follownig spring
- Once any option year is waived, all future years are automatically waived at no future cut costs (not including any Separation Bonus)
- Eligible Contracts:
- Expiring Free Agent Contracts
- >Expiring Rookie Contracts
- >Expiring Rookie Early Extensions
- >Expiring Rookie Bridge Extensions
- Option Guidelines
- Signed in Spring Signing Period of Year 0 of elligible contract/extension
- Can be 2-5 years in length; 5 year Options DO NOT COUNT against limit on 5 year contracts
- 3rd, 4th, and 5th year of option do not count against Contract Count until THEY ARE current
- Cannot be extended
- Salary cannot be structured by year
- If still active in Spring of final optioned season, player becomes RFA and IS NOT exempt from FA Auction, otherwise, player is exempt from auction in other option years
- First 2 years of Option are 100% Guaranteed
- Each Option year becomes 100% guaranteed when renewed, but is otherwise 0% guaranteed
- Follows all other relevant Standard Contract guidelines
- FA-Options
- Equal to Current Base Salary UNLESS Current League Formula Salary is higher, in which case base will equal Current Base Salary + 10%
- 5% of Total Contract Value of Option + 20% of Option's Base Salary for each option year being contracted due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- RK-Options
- Base Calculation: Option Base equals existing Contract Base
- Signing Bonus equal to 10% of Total Option Value + 20% of Option's Base Salary for each option year being contracted due as a dead money payment at time of signing
- Structure: First two seasons equal Base x 2 and can be structured according to Rookie Contract Structure Rules; 3rd, 4th, and 5th season salaries equals scheduled Option Salary
- Separation Bonus: equal to $2.0m x number of seasons under contract
Commissioner's Note: most of these Bonus Rules were already in existence in some way, but scattered; some others were just 'the way we were doing things' and I've just codified it. The rest - particularly the sections on Up=Front Bonuses, Restructure Bonuses, and Roster Bonuses -are things i've put in place to regulate how much can be hidden from the cut cap with a dead money bonus.
VI Attaching Bonuses
- Signing Bonuses
- Guidelines
- Are attached ONLY to certain contracts or extensions as/where specified by rule
- Cannot be added optionally
- Amounts are as specified by rule
- Signing Bonuses are valued over and above the Total Contract Value, meaning when attached to a contract, the total amount owed to player will exceed the Total Contract Value
- Signing Bonuses are due as a dead money charge at the time of signing
- Attaching a Signing Bonus does not preclude the attachment of other bonuses either at the same time or in the future life of the contract
- Up-Front Bonuses
- Guidelines
- Up-Front Bonuses are an OPTION that teams can use or not when signing contracts and/or extensions
- Can only be issued at time of signing on eligible contracts and extensions
- Up-Front Bonus diverts some portion of Total Contract Value into a bonus at time of signing
- Due as a dead money charge at time of signing
- Contracts and extensions given Up-Front Bonuses are INELIGIBLE for Restructure
- When attaching an Up-Front Bonus, after bonus amount is determined, teams must reallocate remaining amount due over years remaining of contract
- Attaching an Up-Front Bonus does not preclude the attachment of other bonuses either at the same time or in the future life of the contract
- Calculating Up-front Bonuses
- ForStandard Contracts and Extensions of 2 or 3 years in length, a maximum of 20% of player's current season salary or 10% of Total Contract Value can be diverted to an Up-Front Bonus
- ForStandard Contracts and Extensions of 4 or 5 years in length, a maximum of 50% of player's year 1 salary or 20% of Total contract Value can be diverted to an Up-Front Bonus
- For Adjustable Rate Contracts and Extensionsa maximum of 30% of player's current season salary due can be diverted into an Up-Front Bonus
- For Free Agent Contracts and Extensions a maximum of 50% of a player's Free Agent Contract can be diverted into an Up-Front Bonus
- For Rookie Extensions a maximum of 50% of player's current season salary of Rookie Contract Extensions can be diverted into an Up-Front Bonus
- Roster Bonuses
- Rule Mandated Roster Bonuses
- Roster Bonuses are attached to certain contracts or extensions as/where specified by rule
- These Roster Bonuses are in amounts as specified by rule>
- These Roster Bonuses may be valued over and above the Total Contract Value, meaning when attached to a contract, the total amount owed/paid to player may exceed the Total Contract Value
- These Roster Bonuses are due as a dead money charge at the time specified by rule
- These Roster Bonuses may be attached to NON CONTRACT PLAYERS as/when/where proscribed by rule
- These Roster Bonuses may be recurring or issued multiple times as/when specified by rule and multiple Roster bonuses may be issued as/when specified by rule over the lifetime of the contract
- The attachment of these Roster Bonuses where proscribed by rule, does not preclude the attachment of other bonuses, INCLUDING ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL ROSTER BONUS, nor visa versa
- Optional Roster Bonus Guidelines
- Teams have the OPTION to attach a Roster Bonus when signing contracts and/or extensions or during re-structures (during any "Contract Event")
- 10% of Current Season Salary can be diverted into a Roster Bonus
- UP TO an ADDITIONAL 1% of Current Season Salary can be diverted into a Roster Bonus for every game player has been on team's roster at time of attachment
- Games counted include ONLY weeks 1-14
- Games counted include current and any/all prior seasons but must be continuous
- Games counted include games started, benched, inactive-IR, taxi, under contract, or not under contract
- Total eligible percentage of current season salary team chooses to issue as a Roster Bonus is due as a dead money charge at time of attachment
- This dead money payment is money DIVERTED from player's current season salary
- An amount equal to 50% of Roster Bonus paid, will be attached to contract as Separation Bonus
- Can only be attached during any Contract Event
- When attaching a Roster Bonus in this way, after bonus amount is determined, teams MAY NOT reallocate remaining amount due over years remaining of contract
- Any salary payment structuring done during Contract Event in which a Roster Bonus is attached in this way must be done before Bonus is calculated/attached
- Attaching a Roster Bonus in this way does not preclude the attachment of other bonuses either at the same time or in the future life of the contract
- Up-Front Bonuses and Signing Bonuses can be attached to contracts simultaneously with Roster Bonuses, HOWEVER
- A Roster Bonus of this type can ONLY be issued once in the lifetime of a contract and this DOES NOT reset upon being given an extension (it DOES reset on trade)
- Roster Bonuses of this type cannot be attached with a Re-Structure Bonus
- Re-Structure Bonuses
- Can be issued to any contract or extension at time of Re-Structure
- A maximum of 50% of Total Amount Owed on remainder of contract/extension can be diverted into a Re-Structure Bonus
- Due as a dead money charge at time of attachment
- Remaining Toatal Amount Owed becomes 100% guaranteed
- When attaching a Re-Structure Bonus, after bonus amount is determined, teams must reallocate remaining amount due over years remaining of contract
- Attaching a Re-Structure Bonus precludes the attachment of all other optional bonuses either at the same time or in the future life of the contract (reversed upon trade or extension)
- Separation Bonuses
- Guidelines
- Are attached ONLY to certain contracts or extensions as/where specified by rule
- Separation Bonuses may be attached to NON CONTRACT PLAYERS as/when/where proscribed by rule
- Cannot be added optionally
- Amounts are as specified by rule
- Separation Bonuses may be valued over and above the Total Contract Value, meaning when attached to a contract, the total amount owed to player may exceed the Total Contract Value
- Separation Bonuses are due as a dead money charge at the time of player's Separation From team(either by cut or trade)
- Separation Bonuses can be removed before due where proscribed by rule
- The attachment of other bonuses does not preclude the attachment of Separation Bonuses where proscribed by rules nor visa versa
VII Trades
- General
- Players under contract can be traded
- Any Separation Bonuses owed to player are immediately paid in the form of a Dead Money payment charged to team trading player AWAY
- When a player under contract is traded, their contract is traded with them and the current and future salary obligations of the contract are transferred to the acquiring team, freeing the original team of their commitments (except the Separation Bonus)
- Any Dead Money (signing bonuses, etc) paid to the player remain paid and are not reimbursed, credited, or transferred
- The contract of any player acquired in trade CAN BE Re-Structured (IF ELIGIBLE)by the acquiring team
- Must be submitted within 48 hours of the completion of the trade or must wait until next restructuring period
- Must follow all Re-Structuring rules
- If contract has already been Restructured, contract DOES NOT become 'Re-eligible' for Re-Structuring upon trade acquissition, whether that eligibility is used immediately or down the road
- This rule is null and void for any contracts/extensions with rules specifying otherwise
- Traded Active Contracts can be Extended/Optioned under normal rules/guidelines
- Traded Extensions/Options must spend a gap year of exposure to the Free Agent Auction before being signed to a new contract
- Expiring/Year Zero Contracts can be traded in the Spring Signing Period and these players can be signed to NEW contracts, but cannot be Extended/Optioned
Commissioner's Note: I've made a significant change to the auction that should make bidding/acquisition much easier. High/Final bids are now ALWAYS for 1 year. I've done away with all the multi year stuff that made the auction and budgeting your bids confusing. Free Agents (acquired at auction) will now get signed to a Free Agent Contract which is specifically for 1 year. It can then be extended the following year (before the auction, please go and take a look at the base calculations for extending a Free Agent contract because the base Salary (High Bid) plays a role). Also, take a look at the new section on bonuses; I've set up enough ways for teams to bid kind of high on a player and still be able to 'hide' some of that salary from the cut cap. I've also done away with CFA's (voluntarily exposing one of your contract players to the auction)
VIII Contract Free Agency
- Free Agent Auction
- The Free Agency Auction is held each summer after the close of the Spring Free Agency Period and before the Fall Re-structure Period
- The Auction is designed to mimic the NFL Free Agency Season in which teams can shop other teams' rosters for players without a contract or with an expiring contract
- The AFFL Off Season Free Agency Period will be conducted by long-running auction (appx 40+ days) on the MyFantasyLeague site
- Players won at auction must be signed to a 1 year Free Agent contract
- Players available in the Free Agent Auction limited to those outlined in this section
- Player Pool
- Unrestricted Free Agents
- Players ON ANY TEAM'S ROSTER but NOT UNDER CONTRACT are designated "Roster Free Agents (Unrestricted)" - OR Unrestricted Free Agents (UFA's)
- All Unrestricted Free Agents (UFA's) will be placed into the player pool for the Free Agent Auction
- These players will carry the UFA designation in the auction and follow all relevant UFA rules (exemptions listed below)
- Restricted Free Agents (RFA's)
- Players ON ANY TEAM'S ROSTER in their FINAL YEAR of CONTRACT are designated "Roster Free Agents (Restricted)" - OR Restricted Free Agents (RFA's)
- All Restricted Free Agents (RFA's) will be placed into the player pool for the Free Agent Auction
- These players will carry the RFA designation in the auction and follow all relevant RFA rules (exemptions listed below)
- Exemptions
- Players carrying the Franchise Tag are shielded from the Auction
- Players on the Taxi Squad at time of auction are shielded
- Rookie RFA's - players in the final year of a Rookie Type Contract or Extension are shielded unless otherwise specified
- Certain other players in rare instances where/when specified by the rules will be shielded from the auction
- Players from teams not allowed to participate in the auction by league rule will not be included in the eligible player pool
- Budgets
- Auction budgets will be INDIVIDUAL to each team
- Each team's budget will be equal to their "Cap Space" at time of auction
- Defined as total money after subtracting all current commitments from the FULL Salary Cap
- Nominations
- Minimum Opening Bid (MOB)
- Nominations must be made in the amount of the player's Minimum Opening Bid (MOB) or greater
- MOB for UFA's will be an amount equal to $500,000 above their Current League formula Salary
- MOB for RFA's will be $1,000,000 above their scheduled current season salary under their final contract year
- MOB for all players in the player pool will be published prior to auction start
- All participating teams will have nominating powers
- Any player in the player pool can be nominated by any participating team at any point in the auction
- There are no limits on the number of nominations a team may make, simultaneouusly or otherwise, and no order in which teams must make their nominations, and no limit on the number of active nominations made by any franchise
- Any nomination of a player will be considered an "Opening Bid" for that player and is a BINDING BID
- Nominations must be made in the amount of the player's Minimum Opening Bid or greater
- Nomination starts a 120 hour (5 day) timer on each individual player auction
- Nominations not allowed beyond 40th day of auction
- Bidding Guidelines
- All bids are binding until outbid
- Bids are made in ANY increment of $100,000 above previous bid, OR MOB or any increments of $100,000 above that
- Each bid resets the individual bid timer on the individual player auction to a new 120 hours (5 days)
- Beyond Day 40 of auction, bid timer will be shortened at commissioner's discretion
- Teams do not have to bid on their own UFA's UNLESS the player is bid on by another team; in that case, a higher bid must be offered to retain the player, but does not have to be offered if team doesn't mind losing player
- Teams do not have eligibility to bid on their own RFA's as they have final option on any high bid (see below)
- Players that are not bid on will return to their original teams
- High Bids - Acquiring Player
- Unrestricted Free Agents
- Team with the high bid when timer expires on any UFA will own the rights to that player
- Player must be signed to Free Agent Contract, following all relevant guidelines, by the Free Agent Contract Deadline
- Amount of High Bid is Base Salary for contract
- Restricted Free Agents (RFA's)
- Team with the High Bid when timer expires on any RFA will negotiate with contract owner for the rights to that player
- Negotiating Team will offer amount of High Bid to player WITH Draft Pick Compensation according to the chart below
- Contract Owner will have 72 hours to MATCH the High Bid to retain rights to the player or RELEASE player to the Negotiating Team in exchange for relevant Draft Pick Compensation (see below)
- If Contract Owner matches High Bid, Negotiating Team will have 48 hours to increase their original High bid (Compensation remains based on chart below)
- Contract Owner will AGAIN have 72 hours to MATCH the High Bid to retain rights to the player or RELEASE player to the negotiatinig team for relevant Draft Pick Compensation (see below)
- If high bid is matched and original contract owner retains rights to player, final year of player's existing contract is canceled and player must be signed to a Free Agent Contract free and clear from any remaining commitments from original contract and Negotiating Team is free and clear
- If player is released to negotiating team, final year of player's existing contract is canceled and player must be signed to a Free Agent Contract free and clear from any remaining commitments from original contract and original Contract owner is Compensated with relevant Draft Pick
- Highest relevant offer will be used as the Base Salary for the contract for whichever team retains/acquires rights to player
- Draft Pick Compensation
- RFA Draft Pick Compensation is based on the player's original MOB
- Once the entire player pool for the auction has been determined (ALL UFAs and RFAs), those players will be ordered by the amount of their MOB's
- RFA MOBs falling within the TOP 33.3% of all players in the Free Agent Auction will be considered TIER 1 RFA's
- RFA MOBs falling within the MIDDLE 33.3% of all players in the Free Agent Auction will be considered TIER 2 RFA's
- RFA MOBs falling within the BOTTOM 33.3% of all players in the Free Agent Auction will be considered TIER 3 RFA's
- RFA Compensation will be in the form of Draft Pick or Picks transferred FROM the Acquiring Team TO the Team Losing the RFA (Team Being Compensated)
- The Team Being Compensated will be compensated with THEIR CHOICE of Pick Option outlined in the Table Below based on the Compensating Team's ability to fulfill that option with the picks therein being available to compensate with
- If Compensating Team DOES NOT have available picks to fulfill at least two of the Options listed for Team Being Compensated to choose from, Competition Committee will outline additional Option(s) on a case by case basis
- In all instances, if Compensating Team has more than one pick available in any compensatory round (due to acquiring an additional pick via trade or compensation) the earlier of the available picks in the round in question will be the compensatory pick
- If more than one Team is being Compensated by the SAME Acquiring Team for different RFA's, the Team Being Compensated for the RFA with the higher Total Free Agent Contract Value will choose their Compensatory Option first
- Contracts
- All players acquired through the Free Agent Auction must be signed to a Free Agent Contract
- These contracts will follow all relevant Free Agent Contract guidelines
- Nullification
- If a Free Agent Contract is not submitted for any acquired player within 48 hours of the close of bidding on any individual player, then offer will be Nullified
- If it is determined for any reason that 'winning bid' on any player is an ineligible bid - as defined below - offer will be Nullified
- In the case of all Nullified offers:
- Bidding will reopen
- Bidding will revert to the last eligible bid made by the high bidding team
- Eligible in this instance defined as the team's ability to cover the offer with available salary and contract cap space (without Re-Structuring) having been verified by the league

NOTE: In all cases, "Current Draft/Year" will refer to draft in same offseason period, immediately following the Free Agent Auction; "Future Draft/Year" will refer to the next draft, held in the season/off-season immediately following the "Current Draft"; "Following Year" will refer to the next draft after the draft following the Current year draft, and where necessary, beyond.
Commissioner's Note: I haven't made too many changes here (in green where I have) but I've tried to organize it and arrange it better than it was. Also a couple of things I still want the Competition Committee to look at, and those are changed rules, as well.
IX Contract Re-Structuring
- RE-Structure:
- To 'Renegotiate' the terms of an existing contract, to include making changes to the Schedule of Payments, the Length, Contract Type, and/or the Total Amount Owed by transfering salary into bonus
- Base Salary CANNOT be altered in a Re-Structure
- Guidelines
- Standard Contracts and Extensions, Adjustable Rate Contracts and Extensions, and Free Agent Extensions are eligible to be Re-Structured
- A contract can only be restructured once during its lifetime
- Contracts replaced by a Contract Extension, By Free Agent Contract, or transfered by trade become eligible once more for restructure
- A contract can only be Re-Structured during the designated "Re-Structure Periods" (below) or in conjunction with a trade
- Spring Signing Period (April 1-May15)
- Free Agent Signing Period (Preseason Trading Period through to Cut Day)
- The FALL Re-Structure Period (Week 9 - Week 11)
- A contract CANNOT be Re-Structured until it has cycled at least 1 year
- Re-Structures done in conjunction with a trade are exempt from this rule
- Contract EXTENSIONS are exempt from this rule
- Contracts OR Extensions CANNOT be Re-Structured once their final season has started
- Contracts OR Extensions CANNOT be TRADED until 10 calendar weeks have passed since Re-Structured
- Re-Structuring does not effect any signing bonuses due or paid except those that are expressly a part of the Re-Structure
- If Re-Structuring in conjunction with trades, restructure must be done within 48 hours of completed trade
- Conversion Re-Structures cannot be combined with any other Re-Structure adjustments/types
- Re-Structuring a Standard Contract or Extension
- The PAYMENT SCHEDULE terms of any Standard Contract or Extension - the amount a player is owed, per season, for the remainder of the contract - can be Re-Structured by teams as they see fit in the management of their cap space under the following GUIDELINES:
- Under the Re-Structure, the total remaining amount owed must still be paid over the course of the number of seasons left under contract
- Under the Re-Structure, A minimum of 10% of Total Contract Value must be paid in each of the years remaining on the contract
- Under the Re-Structure, all minimum salary requirements of salary structuring rules must be followed
- No single season scheduled salary payment may be more than 250% of the lowest scheduled salary payment under the Re-Structure
- A RESTRUCTURE BONUS must be paid
- Bonus must equal 50% of salary MOVED from year of Re-Structure ('current' year) OR
- 5% of Total Amount still owed on contract (including 'current' year), WHICHEVER is HIGHER
- Additional bonus(es) can be attached to a Payment Schedule Re-Structure (All Bonus Rules apply)
- NOTE: Total Amount Owed to a player after an Re-Structure is performed and /or over its lifetime may exceed Total Contract Value at the time of Re-Structure after factoring in prior amount due, bonuses and/or taxi fees and/or any penalties or other assesments
- The LENGTH of any Standard Contract OR Extension can be Re-Structured
- Removing a year from the player's contract or extension can be done by paying it off early
- Total Salary due in final year of contract must be moved into other contract year(s) and/or bonuses
- Total Contract Value must be accounted for
- Total Amount of salary moved from deleted year becomes Guaranteed Money in any years in which it is placed
- Player retains all RFA protections in their new final year of contract
- Deferring Current Year's Salary Due into an ADDITIONAL Contract Year tacked onto to the player's contract can be done
- Salary owed to the player in current season is MOVED into a new, added year, at the end of existing contract
- Player is paid the League Minimum Salary for the year of Re-Structure ('current' year)
- Player is immediately due a Roster Bonus equal to 50% of original salary due, OR
- Equal to 70% of Base Salary, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER
- Player becomes designated "DO NOT CUT" for the remainder of contract, and loses RFA protections
- Player is due a Separation Bonus equal to 10% total contract value after restructure
- Contracts Re-Structured by the addition/subtraction of a year become ineligible to be signed to an Extension
- Contracts and Contract Extensions Restructured by the addition/subtraction of a year become ineligible to be tagged with the Franchise Tag in their RFA season
- Players cannot be cut in the same season in which their contract has been restructured by the addition/subtraction of a season
- Re-Structuring a Standard Contract or Extension TO an Adjustable Rate (CONVERSION Re-Structure)
- Standard Contracts and Extensions that meet all relevant guidelines, can be Re-Structured by CONVERTING into an Adjustable Rate Contract for its remaining term
- The NEW Base Salary, as calculated by Adjustable Rate guidelines, multiplied by the remaining number of seasons, must be equal to or greater than the Total Contract Amount still owed on the existing contract as currently structured
- An Adjustable Rate Conversion counts against the limit of 1 Re-Structure in a contract's lifetime, and 'converted' contracts become designated "Ineligible" for Re-Structure
- Re-Structuring a Standard Contract or Extension by ATTACHING A BONUS
- Eligible Contracts can restructure to divert salary due to dead money due at time of restructure by attaching a Roster Bonus and/or Restructure Bonus
- This is done by following all relevant Bonus Guidelines
- Re-Structuring an Adjustable Rate Contract and Extension
- The PAYMENT SCHEDULE terms of adjustable Rate Contract or Extension - the amount a player is owed, per season, for the remainder of the contract - CANNOT be Re-Structured
- Re-Structuring the LENGTH of an Adjustable Rate Contract or Extension
- Removing a year from the player's contract or extension can be done by paying it off early
- Total (projected) Salary due in final year of contract is discounted to 70% and then moved into any combination of current season salary and/or Up-Front Bonus
- Player retains all RFA protections in their new final year of contract
- Deferring Current Year's Salary Due into an ADDITIONAL Contract Year tacked onto to the player's contract CANNOT be done
- Converting an Adjustable Rate Contract or Extension to Standard
- An Adjustable Rate Contract or Extension that meets all relevant guidelines, can be Re-Structured by CONVERTING it into Standard Type for its remaining term
- The player's average single season salary under the lifetime of the contract (AVG) is SUBTRACTED FROM
- The player's highest single season salary owed or paid under the lifetime of the contract (HIGH) AND THEN ADDED TO
- The player's current League Formula value at the time of restructure (CURRENT)
- The formula is: (HIGH minus AVG) + CURRENT = New BASE Salary
- New BASE x Length Remaining = Total Contract Value
- The Total Contract Value can then be structured across the remaining years of the contract or extension in any ratio within the limits of Standard Structuring Rules
- An Adjustable Rate Re-Structure counts against the limit of 1 Re-Structure in a contract's lifetime, and 'converted' contracts become designated "Ineligible" for Re-Structure
- Re-Structuring an adjustable Rate Contract or Extension by ATTACHING A BONUS
- Eligible Contracts can restructure to divert salary due in current year to dead money due at time of restructure by attaching a Roster Bonus
- This is done by following all relevant Bonus Guidelines
- Re-Structuring a Free Agent Extension
- The salary payment schedule of Free Agent Extensions can be restructured by following the guidelines for restructuring the payment schedule of a Standard Contract (Section IX.C.a above)
- Free Agent Extensions can be restructured to divert salary due to dead money due at time of restructure by attaching a Roster Bonus and/or Restructure Bonus by following all relevant Bonus Guidelines
- No other types of restructure may be done to a Free Agent Extension
IX Ending Contracts
- A Contracts can end in the following ways:
- Contract Expires
- The contract ends when it has run it's course through to the end of its terms
- Contracts DO NOT EXPIRE until the last day of the Spring Signing Period following the April 1 on which the contract SHOULD expire
- Player Cut
- The Contract ends when a player has been cut
- Contract players CANNOT be cut during the regular season AFTER the trade deadline
- If a player under contract is IN THEIR FINAL YEAR OF CONTRACT (RFA) and is cut by a team between April 1 and Cut Day, 100% of that season's salary will be paid by the team
- If a player under contract (not in final year) is cut by a team between April 1 and Cut Day, 50% of that season's salary paid is returned to the team
- If a player under contract is cut by a team after Cut Day, 100% of that season's salary is paid by the team
- Additionally, team will take individual cap hits equal to 50% of salary owed in each of any future seasons of the contract
- If Guaranteed Money is not satisfied by salary already paid or by 50% dead money charges, additional dead money charges will be used to satisfy commitment
- Future cap hits owed because of a cut player can be eliminated if a player retires from the NFL, is banned in any way from playing in the NFL, and/or for any reason becomes unavailable for acquisition in the myfantasyleague database (see BELOW) or if player is reacquired by team and placed under a new contract
- If salary paid to player under that new contract exceeds amount owed to player as cap hits from prior contract in any given season, the cap hits for that/those seasons will be nullified
- If salary paid to player under new contract does not exceed amount owed to player as cap hits from prior contract in any given season, only the difference between the cap hits from the former contract and the salary under new contract will be due in the form of cap hits in any applicable season
- Free Agent Signing
- Restricted Free Agent players who are either acquired by another team or retained by their own team with a higher bid are signed to a new contract based on the terms of those bids. This nullifies the remaining season of the old contract, thereby ending the contract
- Contract Free Agent players are signed to a new contract based on the terms of bidding. This nullifies the remaining season of the old contract, thereby ending the contract
- Player Retires
- If a player under contract retires from the NFL, is banned in any way from playing in the NFL, and/or for any reason becomes unavailable for acquisition in the myfantasyleague database with more than 4 games played in the season, 0% of player's salary is returned to the team in that season, AND/BUT
- If less than than 5 games played in the season, 100% of player's salary is returned to the team in that season, AND
- 100% of all future obligations are eliminated, AND
- 100% of any future cap hits owed by teams in relation to retiring player are eliminated
- League Office must be notified of player's retirement status for Cap Adjustment to be made
X Miscellaneous Rules
- Injured Reserve
- Contract Players can be placed on Injured Reserve (IR) under the IR rules outlined in the league rules to free a coresponding slot on the Active Roster, however
- Orphan Franchises (off-season)
- All efforts will be made to place orphaned franchises with new ownership before off-season contract activity begins, but the presence of orphaned franchises will not delay off-season calendar of contract-related events
- Orphaned franchises seated with new ownership after the start of the Spring Signing Period will be given a minimum of 14 days of an individualized signing period once new ownership has taken control of team in which to manage the franchise's contracts and personel
- Any contracts signed within this periood will be retroactive to April 1 as any other contracts
- This 14 day period can be ended early at new owner's request once they've completed all desired contract signings and re-structurings
- This 14 day period can be shortened at Commissioner's discretion should the 14 day length interfere with the Cut Day or the Draft
- Restricted and Unrestricted Free Agents from teams without current ownership will not be available for bidding during the Spring Free Agency Period
- Should an orphaned team be seated with new ownership DURING the Spring Free Agency Period, the franchise's Restricted and Unrestricted Free Agents will be added to the Spring Free Agent auction EITHER once new ownership has declared their signing process complete, OR once the 14 day individualized franchise signing period has completed
- Orphaned Franchises seated with new ownership can participate in bidding for all Unrestricted and Restricted Free Agents ONLY after the franchise's own free agents have been added to the auction pool
- Orphan Franchises seated with new ownership after the Free Agent Auction or those who otherwise have not submitted contracts in time for the team or their RFA's and UFA's to participate in the Free Agent Auction will not be allowed to submit contracts of only 1 year in length (Immediate RFA's)
- Competition Committee Contract Management and Nullification
- The Competition Committee will have the authority and wide latitude to intervene in the management of existing franchise contracts for orphan franchises and for franchises whose existing contracts cause said franchise to exceed the salary cap
- This intervention includes, but is not limited to, nullification of contracts and re-structuring of contracts beyond the parameters of restructuring as set forth in the league contract rules
- In the case of managing existing contracts on orphan teams, this authority extends only for the puposes of making said orphan franchise more competitive if necessary or for the purpose of bringing the orphan's roster into salary cap compliance
- In all cases of intervention, the Competition Committee will act in the spirit of making the most minimum of changes required to alleviate whatever situation prompted their intervention
- In no case will the Competition Committee have authority to sign new contracts into existence on any franchise
- Future Rules Changes
- Should any future revisions of the League Contract Rules cause any existing (at the time of revision) contracts signed under any previous version of the Contract Rules to come into conflict with the revised rules:
- Those existing contracts will either be grandfathered or will be uniformly adjusted by intervention of the Competition Committee to bring them into parameters set forth in any revised rules
- Should this occur, Competition Committee will act in the spirit of remedying the situation in whichever way causes both the least amount of intervention and results in the most fairness and league parity