AF Spotlight: Logo Museum
ASSOCIATED FANTASY – From time to time at AF, we like to highlight a section of the website you may not have seen or might not have visited, just for your viewing pleasure. The Dixie League‘s Historical Team Pennants Page is one of those hidden gems. If you get a kick out of fantasy football team names and logos, you’ll love this page.

The Dixie League is a unique, baseball-themed fantasy football league, open to teams from the old south, with 9 player

starting rosters, double header games, and a very low scoring points scale, filled with teams from unlikely cities or towns across Dixieland, reminiscent of the ball clubs in the old Southern Association or the old Southern Negro League. It’s
fantasy football that feels like the Golden Age of minor league baseball.

On their Historical Team Pennants Page, you’ll find a comprehensive display of the logos of every team that’s ever played in the Dixie‘s long and winding history, along with those of all current ball clubs. In an amusing twist, all of the logos have been

rendered as a baseball style team pennant design, and we’ve displayed just a few of them here, but there are many more to check out through these long days of summer when you’re looking for anything fantasy related to pass the time between the Super Bowl and Opening Week.

The Dixie League plays annually with 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14 teams, depending on demand. In 2016 there were 10 ball clubs competing, with 3 of them having already been removed from the possibility of playing in 2017. That

means there’s a maximum chance of just 7 returning teams for this season, so if you live somewhere in the Southeastern US, there will be slots available for you to get in on this exciting and different league. You can check out the Dixie League Page or the League Rules, or just go straight to Join The Dixie to sign up today. But in the meantime, enjoy their Logo Museum.