Rules Directory
Appendix A: Covid and the 2020 Season
Green Text indicates a rule update for the 2020 season
I General
A. These will serve to be the official rules for AF’s The Dixie League (Dixie)
B. Rule/Settings Lock Date
- At a date TBD before the draft, both the rules on this rules page and the settings at the hosting site’s league home will be “LOCKED” and will not change until the following offseason
- Coaches will be notified of this both before the Lock Date and at the time rules/settings are locked
- No changes will be made to settings after this date under any circumstances even if particular settings have been mistakenly set up in a way that is unintended
C. For anything not covered in these rules, please refer to the League Settings page at League hosting site
- Should there be ANY discrepancy between the rules contained therein on this rules page and the rules listed in the hosting site’s League Settings, either in description or in function, the Hosting Site’s settings will supercede
D. All arbitration of League Rules to be arbitrated solely by League Manager (LM)
1. Should any unforeseen event arise not covered explicitly in the rules, LM will exercise final judgment
2. Any LM decision that gives an unfair advantage - either real or perceived - to LM’s team will cause LM’s team to be removed from Championship eligibility
E. In any instances of conflict between above scoring formats and scoring values as displayed on the hosting site's "Settings" page, scoring values as displayed on settings page shall prevail, and all scoring settings will be locked at a point in time prior to the start of the draft
II Format
A. 8 teams, Dynasty/Keeper
- Teams will not be divided by division
B. Membership is restricted to teams from the US Southeast
- Teams must follow the naming conventions of Place Name (city, state, town) + Mascot
III Entry/Payouts
A. The Dixie League is a paid entry/prize payout league
B. Entry fee is be $25.00(US) per team
- $25 entry x 8 teams = $200.00 Prize Pool
C. Payout scale is as follows:
1. 1st place (League Champion) = $120.00(US)
2. 2nd place (League Runner-Up) = $80.00(US)
D. Entries and payouts will be handled through LeagueSafe.com
E. Prize money will not be disbursed until the Friday following Week 17 of the NFL Regular Season
IV Scoring
A. Offensive Scoring Settings
- Dixie will use the AF Milestone Offensive Scoring Package
- AF Milestone Offensive Scoring Package:
B. IDP Scoring Settings
- Dixie will use the AF Warrior IDP Scoring Package
- AF Warrior IDP Scoring Package:
V Rosters
A. Starting Line-Up:
- Dixie League will use the AF Classic Offensive Roster Set with the AF IDP-Mid IDP Roster Set
B. Position Limits
- Position limits under the AF Classic guidelines will be used, with additional limits on defense
- Position limits are as follows:
- QB - max 2
- RB - max 3
- WR - max 4
- TE - max 2
- K - max 2
- DE - max 3
- LB - max 4
- DB - max 2
- There are no position minimums
C. Team Rosters will have slots for a maximum of 18 Active Players with 2 additional slots for Injured Reserve Players - 12 Starters; 6 Bench; 2 Res
- Teams are allowed to carry fewer than a full 18 player roster
VI Keepers
A. Returning Teams
- Prior to draft, returning teams will select 7 Keeper Players from their previous end-of-season roster
- Keeper Players may be from any position but must remain within position maximum guidlines
- There is no limit on the number of seasons a player can be kept on a team's roster nor are there any trade or drop restrictions for Keeper Players
- Once all teams have named their keepers, keepers will be "locked-in" and cannot be changed until the season has started, at which point teams may cut or trade them as any other player
- Prior to draft, returning teams will select 7 Keeper Players from their previous end-of-season roster
B. Replacement Teams
- New teams, replacing old teams not returning, will conduct a Keeper Draft in which all players from Non-Returning Team Rosters and players not named as keepers on returning team rosters will be placed together in a Player Pool for those new teams to select their 5 Keepers from (League Keeper Rules Apply)
- Keeper Draft Order (if more than 1 new team) for Replacement Teams will be randomized by draft order randomizer at fftoolbox.com
- Keeper Draft will be conducted by email
- New teams, replacing old teams not returning, will conduct a Keeper Draft in which all players from Non-Returning Team Rosters and players not named as keepers on returning team rosters will be placed together in a Player Pool for those new teams to select their 5 Keepers from (League Keeper Rules Apply)
VII Draft
A. Draft is held live, online annually on a date/time TBD
1. 2020 Draft will be held live, online on TBD
B. Draft will be an 11 round, serpentine (1-10, 10-1, 1-10, etc) draft
C. Draft Order will be randomized prior to draft by draft order randomizer at fftoolbox.com
VIII Free Agency/Trading
A. Waivers
- Waivers are “Revolving”, meaning waiver priority order will not reset, with franchises moving to last after a successful claim but maintaining their position in the order if no claim or an unsuccessful claim is made
- Initial Waiver Priority Order will be set as the inverse order of the first round of that season’s draft
- Waiver Period will be 2 days
- Players lock at individual game time
- Waivers are “Revolving”, meaning waiver priority order will not reset, with franchises moving to last after a successful claim but maintaining their position in the order if no claim or an unsuccessful claim is made
B. Transaction Limit
- A transaction limit of a maximum of 2 add/drops per week will be imposed throughout the season
C. Trading
- There is no Trade Deadline
- Trades are subject to Team Owner Review with a 4 day trade reject time
- Any combination of personel may be packaged into a trade deal
- Position Maximums must be observed
- Roster Size limitations must be observed
- No Trading of Draft Picks is not allowed
IX Regular Season
A. Regular season will be Weeks 1-14
B. League will play a double round robin in Weeks 1-14 in which all teams will play all other teams 2 times each in a randomized order
X Championship
A. In lieu of a traditional playoff, Dixie League will play a single, 3-game Championship Series in Weeks 15-17 between the top two teams (by standings)
- For league stat-keeping purposes, teams that do not make the championship are considered to be idle/eliminated for the remainder of the season and will have their starters benched by AF personnel to result in a 0.00 score and no stats produced for playoff weeks
B. The Dixie League Series (DLS)
- The DLS will be a best of 3 series in Weeks 15, 16, and 17 (if necessary)
- The Winner of this series will be named League Champion and receive the first place prize payout
- The loser of this series will receive the second place prize payout
XI Tiebreakers
A. Individual Match-ups are allowed to end in ties, except in the case of the games within the DLS (see below)
B. Order of tiebreakers for standings' ties is as follows:
- Division Record
- Head-to-head record
- Total season points
- Head to Head points
- Total season starting QB points
- Total season starting RB points
- Total season starting WR points
- Total season starting IDP points
- Total season starting TE points
- Total season starting K points
- Coin Flip
C. Order of tiebreakers for the individual games of the DLS are as follows:
- Starting QB points in game
- Starting Flex position points in game
- Starting RB (position) points in game
- Starting combined WR (position) points in game
- Starting combined IDP points in game
- Starting TE points in game
- Starting K points in game
- Total number TDs scored (all positions) in game
- Longest successful field goal attempt in game
- If game is still tied after the above 10 tiebreakers, progression moves to #1 of Standings Tiebreakers (see Section X.B.1-10) and goes through those progressions
XII Special Rule
A. Participation in The Dixie League is limited to one entry per household/IP address
B. After all slots are filled but before draft order has been established, NFL.com will be contacted to verify that all participants registered are originating from different IP addresses to verify that no participant is registered with multiple teams
C. Multiple teams originating from the same IP address will result in immediate expulsion of all teams involved
Appendix A: Covid and the 2020 Season
A. Keepers
- Any team with a player on their 2019 end of season roster who opts out of the 2020 NFL season for reason of covid will retain the rights to that player
- A team wishing to retain the rights to a player that opts out of the season, must contact the commissioner with the name(s) of the player(s) in question
- Commissioner will then add that player to the team's 2020 end of year rosters so that the individual team will have access to the player in the following season
- Any team with a player on their 2019 end of season roster who opts out of the 2020 NFL season for reason of covid will retain the rights to that player
B. In Season Covid Circumstances
- One additional IR spot has been added to the roster for the 2020 season to assist owners in roster management vis-a-vie covid
- Should the commissioner decide it has become neccessary, more IR spots may be added during the season
- This, and any additional, added IR spot(s) will be removed for the 2021 season