Lights Out In L.A.


S16 logo 2015SUPER 16 – Raider franchise 1 Eye Til I Die turned the lights out for the Super Chargers in the Super 16, trampling them 211-149 as Los Angeles simply ran out of juice before they even got started.  It was the third highest score in the league this week as the men in black flexed their muscles to advance to 3-2 with the #1 points total in the league thus far.  The Los Angeles Super Chargers fall to 4-1, but still retain the lead in the West Division.  Ironically, the first and second highest scores of the week were also out west in a match that started on a Thursday night SimulPlay, and is still too close to call as the score stands 221.00-219.50 between division rivals Arizona and San Francisco waiting on the weekly stat corrections.  No matter the outcome, the two will remain 3rd and 4th in the hotly contested division.

The Motor City Kitties (4-1) take over as the new league #1 after beating The Eagle has landed 194-118

There’s a new league #1 this week, as the Super Chargers’ loss opens the door for the Motor City Kitties who also advance to 4-1 after demolishing the East Division leader Eagle has landed in a SimulPlay match 194-118.  The Kitties now have a single game lead on the Indy-structibles who lost their division match to the BEARMINATORS by just 4 points in another SimulPlay match.  Should the loss be reversed by stat corrections, though, Indy would advance to 4-1 as well and take control of the division based on a Week 1 head-to head victory over Motor City.  The Dawg Pound pulled off a 188-160 upset over the Northern ‘Fins to stay relevant at 3-2

Despite their loss to Motor City, The Eagle still lands in the top spot in the East Division with a 3-2 record and a head to head advantage over the 3-2 Steel Curtain.  The expansion Pittsburgh franchise beat the Jaw Breakers to keep pace with the Eagle and leave the league’s Jets franchise floundering at 1-4.  After their loss to the Dawg Pound, the Northern ‘Fins are now 2-3, heading south on a 2 game losing streak.
The Tweety Birds of Prey are 1-3.  That bares repeating: the 3-time league champion and winningest team in S16 history Birds of Prey are now 1-3 after falling 192-152 to division rival BIGDOGINTEX.  That puts the Falcons franchise at #14 overall, a spot lower than they have ever had in 4 seasons.  Victims of the schedule monster thus far, Tweety is only a single point behind 1 Eye Til I die for total points on the season, while sitting at the back of the South Division.  In another match that may not survive stat corrections, the Who Dats beat division foe Houston by just 2 and a half points to hold onto #1 in the circular firing squad that has become the South.  If the outcome is reversed, BIGDOG would take over as division leader despite being plagued by injuries again this season.
Only a single SimulPlay event on the schedule for Week 6, but their are nonetheless some very interesting match-ups in store.  Check back on Thursday when the Week 6 Game of the Week is revealed.