First Ever AF Pro Bowl Set To Kick Off
AF PRO BOWL – It’s been an adventure for all involved, but the inaugural Associated Fantasy Pro Bowl Tournament is set for their 2016 kickoff. Originally slated for 6 teams, the 4 four competing teams represent the Association’s team’s selections as 2015’s best. The tournament holds a three-part draft, beginning with a keeper draft, then an auction draft, its final draft was held this weekend amid The Great Lock-Out of 2016. Experiencing draft problems like thousands of other leagues did, the veteran coaches of the Pro Bowl Tournament became pioneers, conducting their draft by message board post.

Tribulations aside, the tournament’s teams are now loaded with their rosters and all set to start the season. Throughout the 2016 season you’ll be able to follow the scores and standings for this tournament on the left column of the Associated Fantasy Home Pages to see which team wins this prestigious Championship. Birds of Prey, from the Super 16, along with the New Orleans Black Hats, of The Dixie, and On The Rox and The Great Khalil, both hailing from Fantasy Addicts, will play an all vs all schedule in a tournament designed to be the most challenging fantasy test ever – the Broken Skull Ranch of fantasy football. Root for your favorite team as they navigate a competition designed to test every aspect of these coaches’ fantasy skills and see if you can predict who’ll walk away with all the glory as the 2016 Associated Fantasy Pro Bowl Champion.