AF’s 2019 Playoff Tournament

The NFL Playoffs are upon us again and Associated Fantasy is once again offering our Playoff Fantasy Tournament, open to all AF League and Tournament Coaches.  This year, we’re running our tournament on and playing couldn’t be easier – just submit the entry form below, and you’ll be sent a link to the tournament’s LeagueSafe account and an invitation to join the Tournament at

Once you’ve followed the invite to My Fantasy League and claimed your team, you’ll be able to set a line-up each week of the playoffs from among all players playing that week.  That’s it, no draft, no waivers, it couldn’t be easier.  The tournament is total points through the 4 weeks – Wild Card, Divisional, Conference, Super Bowl – of the NFL playoffs and you’ll be able to reset your line-up each week.

The entry fee is $20 and at least 1st and 2nd place will share the prize pool….Depending on the number of participants, possibly 3rd, 4th, 5th and the Single Week High Score winner may be added as well.  That will be determined before play begins, and will be based on the size of the prize pool.  The tournament is limited to 100 teams – and each coach can enter as many teams as they want (separate enties for each), so get signed up today!  Full Rules below Sign-Up Form

Tournament Rules


  • 2019 AF Playoff Tournament (“Tournament”) will be hosted on (“hosting site”)
  • Tournament will take place within the NFL Playoff Season, weeks 18, 19, 20, and 21
  • $20 entry fee per team must be paid through LeagueSafe by January 3rd
  • Limit 100 total teams; multiple entries per coach are allowed
  • Tournament is Total Points (no Head to Head) cumulative through NFL Weeks 18-21
  • While these rules strive to be accurate, if there is any discrepancy between these rules and the settings on hostinig site, settings on host site will supercede 
  • These Rules are Subject to change/update prior to start of tournament and all entries will be notified of any updates


  • Entry Fee will be $20.00 (US) payable through LeagueSafe
  • Pay-Outs will be % of total prize pool based on total number of entries along following scale:
  • Pay-Out if 2-15 entries: 1st – 75%; 2nd – 25%
  • Pay-Out if 16-30 entries: 1st – 65%; 2nd – 30%; Highest Single Week Total – 5%
  • Pay-Out if 31-50 entries: 1st – 60%; 2nd – 25%; 3rd – 10%; Highest Single Week Total – 5%
  • Pay-Out if 51-75 entries: 1st – 50%; 2nd – 20%; 3rd – 15%; 4th – 10%; Highest Single Week Total – 5%
  • Pay-Out if 76-100 entries: 1st – 50%; 2nd – 20%; 3rd – 12%; 4th – 8%; 5th – 5%; Highest Single Week Total – 5%
  • Winning Highest Single Week Total Prize is a standalone prize and does not prevent winner from also winning prize for 1st-5th place


  • Game Play will follow all hosting site rules for a “Contest League”
  • There is no draft or weekly waivers, teams simply submit a line-up for each week of the playoffs – Wild Card, Divisional, Conference, Super Bowl – from among elligible players
  • “Elligible Players” includes all players at starting positions that are on teams scheduled to play in any given week
  • There is no limit to the number of teams that can use the same player


  • Starting Line-Up to be submitted each week is as follows:
    • 1 QB
    • 5 Offensive FLEX (RB/WR/TE) in any combination that would be legal on the NFL field (5WR or 2RB + 3TE or 3RB + 2WR or 2RB+2WR+1TE etc)
    • 1 K
    • 2 Defensive FLEX (any defensive position – no limits)


  • Scoring will utilize the AF Standard Offensive Scoring and AF Standard IDP Scoring Packages
  • Scoring is cumulative through NFL Weeks 18-21 and is as-is with no bonuses for starting players in multiple weeks
  • While all efforts have been made to set-up scoring exactly as listed in the guides below, if there is any discrepancy between the guides below and the scoring as set up on the host site, the host site scoring will prevail


  • 1st tiebreaker Week 21 individual week score
  • 2nd tiebreaker Week 20 individual week score
  • 3rd tiebreaker Week 19 individual week score
  • 4th tiebreaker Week 18 individual week score
  • if tied after 4th tiebreaker prize will be split evenly by tied teams